Beyond Ourselves - Setting the pace for the year

"We made it!" says a close friend of mine after wishing me a new year. If you're reading this now, I'm saying the same to you. We made it! It is a new day! In a new month!! Of a new Year!!! Are you excited about it??? I am! It's new season!!! Oh Glory! And yes, our God is a GOD OF NEW THINGS. Last year might have been A LOT of things we never envisioned it to be. So many of us had plaaaaannnsss. I did. At least, I had thoughts on how I wanted my year to go. Not like that. Not the way it did! However the outcome of this past year, a new one is upon us and now it's left to us to set things in order for speed and full recovery. We might not entirely get back all we lost. But by the end of this year, we should have our mouths filled with songs of thanksgiving on how we have been able to bounce back from situations we never thought possible. One. It is needful that we trust God for speed and at the same time strength. But they that wait upon the Lord shall rene...