
Showing posts from December, 2020

Beyond Ourselves - Setting the pace for the year

 "We made it!" says a close friend of mine after wishing me a new year. If you're reading this now, I'm saying the same to you. We made it! It is a new day! In a new month!! Of a new Year!!! Are you excited about it??? I am! It's new season!!! Oh Glory! And yes, our God is a GOD OF NEW THINGS. Last year might have been A LOT of things we never envisioned it to be. So many of us had plaaaaannnsss.   I did. At least, I had thoughts on how I wanted my year to go. Not like that. Not the way it did! However the outcome of this past year, a new one is upon us and now it's left to us to set things in order for speed and full recovery.  We might not entirely get back all we lost. But by the end of this year, we should have our mouths filled with songs of thanksgiving on how we have been able to bounce back from situations we never thought possible. One. It is needful that we trust God for speed and at the same time strength. But they that wait upon the Lord shall rene...
  The year 2020, my most bizarre year ever, is finally wrapping up!!! It's the last day of the month. Of the year. With just a few hours to go! I wish it's the last day of the week too and I'm sure I don't feel that alone. So that we can say tomorrow is the first of everythingggg. You get the gist.  But well... It is what it is. As much as the excitement of the incoming year may be eating us whole, our hearts glad and gay, our heads should be able to make plans for the days ahead. A couple of days ago, I was in a conversation with a friend. Actually, it was ABOUT THIS BLOG. And what did we talk about? PURPOSE.  There's a popular saying that goes... When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.   That's just what it is. We should be able to ask ourselves questions that lead to purpose finding or creation. Why am I still here? Why is God giving me the opportunity to see a new year? Why am I doing what I do? Why do I have certain interests? The tru...

We Lay Our Crowns

 Spurred by the song Be lifted by MOG music... Our God is not dead. He's very much alive, not bound by time, but living eternally. He does not wait on approvals or corrections. He is all sufficient. Through this year, a lot of things have happened. So many of which might have wavered our faith or trust in Him who is always the same. These things might have been resolved now or we may still be battling them. Even the resolved ones may have left vestiges behind that we now have to deal with. Regardless of our troubles or circumstances, our heavenly father remains faithful. This day, therefore, we lay our crowns, and worship. We lay down all we have, all we are and will ever be. For He is our God and He never fail. Keep your faith firm, sis.💕💖😉