Finding Purpose can be confusing!
So, I had my birthday two days ago -18/03. It was a beautiful experience. Thanks to the amazing people God has stationed around me. I was really blessed. I got thinking about the popular word: PURPOSE. I think I'm not alone when I say finding purpose can be a little bit confusing. Did I hear someone say 'little' is an understatement? Well, yeah, I'm with you. It's a whole different thing to live your life because you suddenly found yourself here on earth together with some other beings. It's on another different level to live that same life in the purpose for which you have been created. Well, finding that one purpose is never easy. Why? One. It's never easy to find purpose when we tend to forget quite easily whose we are. We choke on the little things that attract us and leave out the One who made us. Two. It's never easy when we deny the reason for which we've been made to chase after more interesting stuffs. I mean, some people DO realise purpose...