Rejoicing in God: What it really means
Happy Sunday! Trust you have been keeping up with God and life as beautifully as you can. I also trust that you went to church today! What does rejoicing in God really mean? First, let's take a look at the word, 'Rejoice'. It simply means to be very happy, to feel joy. Rejoicing is an expression of inner joy and happiness. It is a state of exultation, and immense delight. Recently, it struck me. That the joy and happiness the Bible has required from us is not 'in us', but 'in God'. Phillipians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always! Psalm 32:11 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice! I can go on and on! However, the take home point is: We can't REJOICE when we look at ourselves. Look at all of these flaws, and the complete representation of imperfection that we are. Look at all of the issues that depress us, the insane amount of worry that the society offers. Look at your material possessions that may seem to make you happy in a moment but gone the next. But ...